EasyDCIM v1.1.1 Release
Release Notes

More Security With EasyDCIM v1.1.1

In our last Blog article we had a pleasure to share our plans with you. We mentioned, that before we release version 1.2.0, we would release several minor updates in closely spaced time intervals and broaden our offer and possibilities related to modules. And so we are keeping pace! The time has come for EasyDCIM v1.1.1 and we are happy to announce its official release. Our target is to quickly and capably react to your insightful observations and invaluable feedback. Therefore, a centerpiece of this version is a brand new Two-Factor Authentication For EasyDCIM module, along with blade servers/devices management improvements and many usability enhancements. What is more, as this article is being created, we are working on the next version which will be released  yet in the first half of June. Many great things are happening to EasyDCIM now so be sure to stay tuned and expect much more to come really soon. A recent release of version 1.1.0 was just the beginning! Before you move to our changelog, take a shufty at the 7th official EasyDCIM module - Two-Factor Authentication. As its name suggests, it will introduce a second security layer to our system. So far it supports TOTP and YubiKey but the module will enable you to easily add any 3rd party two-factor authentication solutions whenever you need them. Update from v1.1.0 to v1.1.1 is pretty simple. This is a standard incremental ZIP file which you can find now in your client area. However, similarly as in the previous release, we will be more than happy to assist you with the update. Just let us know if you need our help. Now there is nothing else left but to invite you to our website and view a full changelog of v1.1.1. See you later in June! Go To v1.1.1 Changelog
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.1.0 Release
Release Notes

Revamped EasyDCIM v1.1.0 Released!

We are immensely proud to announce the release of EasyDCIM v1.1.0! The system has been completely rebuilt to offer you extreme improvements in usability, functionality and performance. This is one of the ways where EasyDCIM is heading. We will put even more emphasis on your experience with the system to make it enjoyable and practical to the limit! A foretaste of these changes is now visible in clear, simple views that allow you to overview and manage your assets without spending on it more time than necessary. As an example, from now you can view the map with locations of your servers and quickly preview each one of them to see their status, load, temperature and problems you should probably take care of. Everything in a single, transparent view. Basically, everything has been redesigned in greater or lesser extent to look better and work smoother than before. Now to features. Optimization is important but major release should contain major functionality additions as well. We are focused on that target also, yet our main goal for v1.1.0 was to improve the system reliability and perfect its current shape. We added two-sided racks and "half-width" devices support, queue processing engine, hourly cron command, new proxy IPMITool driver for the IPMI module and several more. We also redeveloped  IPAM, IPMI and Usage Collector modules. We have big plans for the upcoming releases but this is a topic for a completely new article. At this point it is worth mentioning that we have already started the work on version 1.2.0 which is about to be released at the turn of Q2 and Q3. Among many other features, EasyDCIM will be enriched by OS Auto Installer! Before that happens, we will release several minor updates in closely spaced time intervals. We will add a couple of further improvements to the system, and vastly broaden our offer and possibilities related to modules. Be sure to stay tuned and share your feedback with us in the meantime. It is you who decide how EasyDCIM will evolve in the upcoming future. Do not hesitate to let us know what is important to you, what should be added or changed in the system. No one knows your business better than you do and our goal is to make EasyDCIM the right tool for your business. Ok, so how are you going to upgrade your current installation of EasyDCIM? The upgrade process is not that difficult but we will handle it for you! Just create a ticket titled "EasyDCIM v1.1.0 Upgrade" and we will discuss the details with you and assist you all the way through until your EasyDCIM is up and running on version 1.1.0! Why is that?, you ask. Because the system has undergone a series of significant changes and the most of its core was simply rebuilt from scratch. We offer you our direct help because we want to make sure your panel is upgraded in the shortest time possible and of course without any unnecessary complications. Just get in touch with us and we will do the rest for you! We hope that EasyDCIM v1.1.0 will prove an inherent component of your data center. We believe that with this release, EasyDCIM will enter an entirely new level of quality that will open a brand new direction towards which our system will be developed in the future. A lot of behind us, even more ahead of us. Now it is your move. Check out the latest EasyDCIM and let's create a better future of data center management - together. View Full Changelog
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.1.0 Pre-Release
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.1.0 Approaches!

Here it comes! The long awaited release of EasyDCIM v1.1.0 is on the way and there is nothing that can stop us now! We have taken under consideration all your precious comments and we encapsulated tons of new features and improvements to the upcoming edition. It is no longer EasyDCIM you know from the past. Now it is faster, even more versatile and simply better. But this is just talk. See yourself what has been changed: 1. Completely rewritten Locations section - enables convenient preview of devices and problems connected with them: – New Locations Map view – New statistics options for Locations 2. Thoroughly refactored users section: – Option to add contacts to users – Extended permissions groups for users and their contacts – Statistics per individual user 3. New widgets in a device summary page - subject to traffic control per port connected to a device 4. Optimized and rewritten polling function: – Full control of system load against overload protection – Configurable number of processes per device - option to set up a maximum number of connections within a selected time unit 5. Numerous notifications informing on any action in the system - e.g. connection changes on device ports 6. Automatic assignment of SNMP connections between devices 7. Support for IPMI driver via Proxy – option to control devices remotely via IPMI connection without the need of its public disposal 8. Completely rewritten JS application – increase of 100% in loading single page speed! 9. Implemented system of processes queuing - improves multi tasking performance 10. New device edition form based on organized tabs 11. Refreshed user interface and items mass delivery new engine – optimized for transactions safety 12. Transparent manner of storing data on items in inventory 13. Completely rewritten and optimized code structure - the vast improvement of stability 14. Completely rewritten reports engine - performance improvements and the base of brand new reports coming soon The list above contains only the biggest changes and trust us, there will be a lot of more of them listed in the changelog.   To lift the veil of secrecy we would like to present you with one of the latest functionalities - Map View. It will allow you to overview your devices, see whether there any problems and quickly access the list of devices which require your attention. We are delighted to announce that the release will take place at the beginning of May 2016 so stay tuned and do not forget to visit our Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn to see more v1.1.0 screenshots.
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.0.3 Release
Release Notes

Dedicated Server Billing Software – EasyDCIM v1.0.3 Release!

  We're extremely proud to announce that on October 12, 2015, EasyDCIM v1.0.3 was released! This new release is the precursor to our next, major version update, v1.1.0, which will see a number of major feature additions & complete module re-writes that our development team has been working incredibly hard on. We'd like to thank all of our current clients who offered suggestions and advice, and we've done our best to guide the EasyDCIM evolution based on those. A comprehensive list of the changes and improvements can be reviewed in our ChangeLog, however some of the noteworthy upgrades include: A completely rewritten SNMP poller based on a process manager, which includes the ability to set the number of devices per thread (dramatically improves the amount of time required to poll devices). Additional services and graphing support for the Client Area, in preparation for EasyDCIM to more fully support client<->staff interaction and grant clients (and their contacts) permissions for different features. A fix for a bug that caused new item models to not be marked as parts. Stay tuned for announcements as additional enhancements are released; be sure to check out our RoadMap and let us know if you have any feedback or ideas of what you would like to see from EasyDCIM! EasyDCIM is a datacenter infrastructure management platform which provides dedicated server providers and colocation providers with the ability to perform dedicated server billing, dedicated server inventory tracking, dedicated server reboots, dedicated server bandwidth billing, dedicated server bandwidth monitoring and more!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM Logo
Release Notes

EasyDCIM Release!

At that very beginning, we would like to express our gratitude for your vast patience and for placing your trust in our company. Today we are closing a certain chapter. We have finished many months of developing and all the hard work put into creating EasyDCIM. We would like to thank you for your support. We would like to thank you for your feedback. But first of all, we would like to thank you for your engagement. We will make every effort to meet all your expectations and not to disappoint your trust. So, are you ready to revolutionize your business?  Let EasyDCIM do that for you! We are finally there! Today we are releasing the long-awaited, standalone control panel for automated data center management. The system was changing very dynamically and it is no longer the same EasyDCIM you know from our newsletters and the previous website. Exactly, we have updated and changed our website. Now you will find there even more detailed information about system's features, its modules, support possibilities and of course, the pricing. What certainly distinguishes EasyDCIM is Auto-Provisioning together with Billing Integration, and Auto-Discovering. Auto-Provisioning enables you to configure ready server configurations and provision them to your clients automatically. All you have to do is to choose your server components and settings, so it will be ready to deployment in minutes. Once your customer orders server that matches one of your sets, it will be provisioned and ready for action in the blink of an eye! Our system will automatically accept the order, turn on the server, assign the customer to it and provide them with access to the server immediately. Billing Integration permits automatic provisioning and control of client billing services and accounts, as well as synchronization of those services with assets and usage from within EasyDCIM. Currently, billing integration is available for WHMCS only, but depending on demand, we will also consider integrating our control panel with other systems in the foreseeable future. How it works? Once you set up your inventory, you need to set up products and connect them with already configured item models (server CPU, RAM type, etc.). On that basis, you can create products in the billing system accordingly and set up pricing for each item model. Then, you go to WHMCS, create products, connect them with corresponding EasyDCIM products and set up pricing. Now your clients will be able to order and preconfigure EasyDCIM products directly from your WHMCS! Orders of these products will be reflected in EasyDCIM. You can also enable automatic synchronization between your EasyDCIM stock and components available to purchase in WHMCS. Once the order in EasyDCIM is activated and server has been set up, WHMCS will update the status automatically, send welcome email and start billing your clients! As you can see, our system will let you automate and reduce the process of assigning existing physical servers to your customers to the absolute minimum. Mentioned before Auto-Discovering allows you to gather all the details about each data center device with just a single click! After a short while, device's details are imported directly to EasyDCIM. It is a very fast and efficient way to configure all existing devices in a chosen network. Along with updated version of the website, we have also prepared a brief Getting Started Guide which goes straight to the point, and obviously, a complete documentation. You will find links to them at the bottom of the article. We will also add short instructional videos presenting the most important functionalities of EasyDCIM soon. Now it is time to start a completely new chapter. The chapter of continual development of our product, along with introduction of refinements and additions to its functionality that we hope will exceed your expectations. We have already prepared a general roadmap for several subsequent versions of the product that will be released soon. What is more, we are eagerly waiting to hear your opinions and thoughts. That will help us to understand which parts of EasyDCIM require more of our attention. There is nothing else for us to do but only cordially invite you to visit our new edition of website and explore the possibilities that EasyDCIM will bring to your business!   EasyDCIM Website   Useful links: Roadmap Getting Started Guide Documentation
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga