Rackdog Case Study - EasyDCIM
Case Studies

Racing ahead with EasyDCIM’s automation – Rackdog Case Study

Information always matters in the reality of data center management. Whether it relates to the ins and outs of a given market sector or the complex systems underpinning your infrastructure, being in the know just pays off. At EasyDCIM, we deeply appreciate the value of staying in the know - especially when it comes to understanding how others view our efforts and rate the services we provide. To ensure we’re always improving, we turn to the best source possible: our customers. One such customer is Shon Manov, Co-Founder of Rackdog, who recently shared insights into how partnering with EasyDCIM has shaped their business journey. A quick glance at the background To give more context on Rackdog’s operations, we asked Shon for a brief introduction to his company. Here's the summary he provided: “Rackdog is an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) provider, offering bare metal, cloud compute, colocation, and IP transit. We cater to companies at any stage of their business cycle, from startups to enterprises, ensuring we meet their requirements and exceed expectations. At the moment we offer services in Ashburn, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, London, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Sydney but our network stretches far further than just these locations.” Of course, we couldn't resist a follow-up question about the company’s further development. Shon was quick to let us in on their plans to continue expanding their locations and global network, and to keep enriching their offer with new features and services. The move to EasyDCIM Now that we had a clearer picture of Rackdog’s business, we went on to inquire what led Shon to choose EasyDCIM. He pointed to the easy to use interface as a major factor, due to the challenges they themselves had been facing, and taking into account their clients’ common struggles: “Before using EasyDCIM, keeping track of inventory was not always the most efficient and created extra work for us. EasyDCIM also solved the problem for us of automating many of the tasks our clients used to have to open a support ticket for, such as virtual console and OS reinstallation.” When asked if they had ever tried out any alternatives to EasyDCIM, Shon explained briefly: “We used a previous solution, but ultimately it came down to their development team not actively pushing new updates and missing key features that we needed.” Reaching new heights Knowing that this stagnation in progress led Rackdog to our doors, we couldn’t help but wonder what the biggest wins for Rackdog were after switching to our services. Shon didn’t hesitate to share how the transition fueled their efficiency and let them experience a substantial improvement in automation: “EasyDCIM has helped us immensely by automating the provisioning and installation process of dedicated servers. We can now provision bare metal servers in under 20 minutes, including OS installation, without any human intervention. It has also made our support team's job easier with reducing the time it takes to troubleshoot and track down devices when we need to do physical maintenance on hardware.” Curious about which specialty on the EasyDCIM’s menu stood out most for Rackdog, we asked Shon to name his favorite. This turned out to be a quite demanding task, given the many features that made an actual difference in the company’s everyday workflow. Still, Shon managed to fish something out of the bag of the most appreciated functionalities: “It’s hard to pick one feature to call our favorite, but the automatic OS reinstallation has to be one of the most used and important features for us.” Looking to the future Whenever there’s an opportunity to ask bold questions, we jump at it eagerly. This time we couldn’t miss it either, so - encouraged by what Shon had shared up to that point - we asked him this: Would you recommend EasyDCIM to other companies? His honest response made us smile from ear to ear, and by us we also mean Konrad Keck, our CEO & Founder, for obvious reasons: “Certainly, EasyDCIM is not only a stable and reliable DCIM platform but also has a great support team (shout-out to Konrad - I know we are definitely not always the easiest to deal with =))” Like any forward-thinking entrepreneurs, Rackdog’s leaders are definitely not content to rest on their current success. As they continue to push boundaries and grow, we’re excited to support them every step of the way. And the question of whether we’ll continue delivering the tools they need to stride confidently doesn’t even call for an answer - we’re already committed to making it happen.
Anna Bystrzanowska - EasyDCIM Junior Marketing Specialist
Anna Bystrzanowska
EasyDCIM - Colohouse Case Study
Case Studies

Stepping into functional integration – Colohouse Case Study

Expect success? Want your company to thrive? Pull up your sleeves, and take action. After many years spent working on EasyDCIM, we know that taking a proactive approach definitely pays off in the data center management sector. Another thing we know is that you won’t handle all the hassle without the right set of tools. Don’t worry, EasyDCIM stands ready to assist you. Always hungry for fresh industry-specific knowledge that can push our project forward, Konrad Keck, EasyDCIM's Founder & CEO, has recently reached out to one of our esteemed customers - Joe Schoonbeck, SVP of Service Operations at Colohouse - and invited him for a quick chat concerning our fruitful cooperation. Hello Joe. It’s such a pleasure to finally talk to you. Joe: Hi, Konrad. Yes, I’ve been looking forward to this conversation as well, and I’m glad we’re actually doing it, despite our busy schedules. Happy to hear that. For starters, I’d like you to give us some background about your company. You know, standard details like where you operate, what you offer, who you target… Joe: Sure thing. Colohouse provides technology infrastructure services including colocation, connectivity, bare metal, cloud and managed service solutions. Our Bare Metal Hosting products are currently offered in Albany, New York, Miami, Colorado Springs, Chicago, and - stepping beyond the USA - Amsterdam. Our customers cross a wide spectrum of industries and sizes around the world, from family-run pizza shops to fortune 500 companies. With our recent acquisition of Hivelocity.com our footprint has expanded within the US and internationally as well to over 40 locations across 6 continents. Impressive! Can you shed some light on your plans for the future? Joe: Well, we obviously like to watch things go up and to the right. Over the coming year we will be integrating products, services, systems, and brands with Hivelocity. One of our top priorities is expanding the functionality of our customer portal to support full automation and API capabilities for all products and services, not just bare metal. Sounds big, and I’ll most certainly be keeping up. Now, speaking of the whole decision-making that lies at the bottom of your development, I wonder what exactly made you choose EasyDCIM. Joe: We chose EasyDCIM because of its native integration with WHMCS and enterprise feature set including PDU, switch, and IP address management. It was a simple, cost effective, all-in-one solution to managing our local and remote bare metal hosting deployments and associated parts inventory. Did you use any other solution and face some sort of problems that ultimately made you switch? Joe: This is precisely what happened. Previously we leveraged a combination of in house solutions based on open source software that was not natively integrated. IP addresses were in a separate system from provisioning, which was separate from PDU management, and so on. The disjointed and custom nature of the old way of doing things caused a lot of operational overhead. Once we realized that, we knew we needed something different, and that’s when we decided to give EasyDCIM a shot. Luckily! In a nutshell, what is it about EasyDCIM that has helped you achieve your goals? Joe: Efficiency at scale is a primary driver to our success at Colohouse. Utilizing software that "just works" so both your staff, and your customers can have a consistent and positive user experience. Let’s have a glance at the toolkit. What is your favorite feature of EasyDCIM? Joe: Asset tracking and instant - and reliable - provisioning are definitely top features. Our favorite though, is the integrated IPMI & iDRAC proxy that allows customers to access remote consoles from our billing system’s client area, without needing to assign public address space to facilitate the connections. This is all done over an internal private network that works independently within each data center location and is fully happening behind the scenes. I always felt it was essential we focus on streamlining remote server management as much as possible. My consideration: automation brings convenience, and convenience brings customers. Given what you’ve already said, would you recommend EasyDCIM to other companies? Joe: We would definitely recommend EasyDCIM to any bare metal hosting provider looking to better automate or integrate their systems. The support team behind the scenes has been rarely needed, but excellent to work with. New feature requests or functionality changes are always met with open minds and added to the product roadmap. Migrating to EasyDCIM was one of the best decisions our hosting department has ever made. It truly is an amazing feeling when you hear someone praise what you've been doing, and the way you’ve been doing it. Thank you, Joe, for your time and all those kind and enthusiastic words about EasyDCIM. I truly hope that both our companies will continue to grow in strength, and that our paths will remain crossed! Joe: Cheers to that! This is not the first time EasyDCIM has been met with such hearty applause. And there's a reason for that: we never fail to attend to our customers’ needs, and we never make stops on the progress road. Need guidance on your own data center journey? Consider us up for the challenge.
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
DigitalServers.net Case Study - EasyDCIM
Case Studies

Expanding Horizons with Smart Automation – DigitalServers.net Case Study

In today's fiercely competitive industry, merely opening a data center is just a small piece of the puzzle when it comes to establishing your brand and achieving success. To stand a chance, you need to surround yourself with an impeccably robust toolkit and continually explore new ways for expanding your business. The challenge lies in navigating the market's countless product options, which - however wonderful they may be - is likely to leave you with a headache. How do you avoid getting lost in the maze of software solutions, each tailored to a different facet of your growing data center? This brings us to Intellectica Systems Inc., widely known by its trade name DigitalServers.net - an enterprise that began their operational activity in 2008. Since then they have been making their mark by providing clients with different types of tailor-made hosting solutions. Aiming to uncover their success story, we asked Nizamuddin Khawaja, Director at DigitalServers.net, to what extent EasyDCIM has helped shape their current business landscape. Looking for the tool that lets you have it all As Nizamuddin points out, the company’s major focus from the start was on finding a tool that would facilitate the management of their data center infrastructure, lifting the burden of relying on various systems delivered by multiple vendors. And this was by no means an easy task, given the numerous processes encompassed by the definition of management in this industry context, and considering how essential it was to ensure these tasks were performed smoothly, efficiently, and in a maximally automated manner. When asked about the reasons for adopting EasyDCIM, Nizamuddin didn’t hesitate to list all aspects he wanted covered with the help of just one comprehensive and unified solution: “Since the beginning we always looked for an all-in-one solution that could do automated OS installation, inventory management, IP management, bandwidth pooling from switches and KVM over IP access to clients over private IP’s.” The swift acknowledgment of the direction in which the company’s strategy should evolve left no space for hesitation about the next move. Instead of juggling various software tools operating independently from one another, DigitalServers.net decided to go for an option that paved the path for streamlined management of numerous processes within the confines of one powerful system. As Nizamuddin eagerly admits, after adopting EasyDCIM as the company’s new platform, “everything worked like a charm from one panel”. EasyDCIM as a game-changer There are probably few things that frustrate server providers more than tediousness of day-to-day chores, repeatedly requiring a great deal of time, energy and effort that could otherwise be channeled to creating new opportunities for propelling the company’s growth. EasyDCIM basically grew out of our urgent desire to end the era of lengthy processes and laborious rituals that could not be conducted without more or less frequent human intervention. Our goal was to enrich our customers’ digital equipment with a panel that helps administer everyday tasks in the most automated and hassle-free manner possible. Observing the increasing interest in the possibility of integrating EasyDCIM with WHMCS, a widely used billing and automation platform, we soon embarked on a mission to join forces with experts from ModulesGarden. This partnership resulted in crafting two free-of-charge, highly intuitive modules - EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS and EasyDCIM Colocation For WHMCS, both instrumental in bringing much-desired billing flexibility and significantly enhancing the user experience. Look at how Nizamuddin Khawaja encapsulates the outcome of our successful undertaking: “EasyDCIM together with WHMCS helped us to lower our technicians' time and efforts that they used to put in to get a new customer onboard or to add new services to an existing client’s account.With EasyDCIM and WHMCS integration clients get all needed features from a single panel.” When nudged gently about his favorite benefit of using EasyDCIM, he replies confidently: “Best feature of EasyDCIM is order placement from WHMCS and automated provisioning of servers including OS installation and new server info email that is sent to clients.” Thinking about future chapters… Although things are going well and promising for Nizamuddin’s company, their growth strategy does not include staying too long in the comfort zone outlined by current triumphs. Every serious enterprise always strives for more, and so does DigitalServers.net. Currently, the company provides servers to clients from Amsterdam, Dallas and Las Vegas, however, an integral part of their development plan is to expand their reach to such locations as India, Dubai and Helsinki. Ambitious as it all sounds, we have absolutely no doubt this mission will be accomplished. Encouraged by Nizamuddin’s account of his experience with EasyDCIM, we couldn’t help but ask him whether he would recommend our solution to other companies. His immediate positive answer brought smiles to our faces and made us feel a fresh surge of excitement for future development of the control panel. There are always new goals emerging, and we are thrilled to persistently work toward them. Enticed by the concept of joining the EasyDCIM community? Feel invited to do so and see for yourself how our platform can help your business thrive!
Joanna Byjoś - EasyDCIM Marketing Team Leader
Joanna Byjoś
Heficed Case Study - EasyDCIM
Case Studies

On a quest for business automation – Heficed Case Study

There is no more persuasive way to evaluate your product’s performance on the market that through the firsthand account from the people involved with it daily, is there? Not to mention that by sharing their thought-inspiring stories, we can encourage more and more business owners to take over the reins and improve the effectiveness of their strategies by leaps and bounds. With this thought leading us, we have recently sat down to have a brief conversation with Vincentas Grinius – the Co-founder and CEO at Heficed – about the dynamics of modern data center architectures and how a robust automation strategy to manage them is critical to thrive and succeed. Spoiler alert - our software threw its two cents of worth in there! Past… Today, Heficed is a top server infrastructure and IPv4 lease provider that boasts of having revolutionized the way companies and organizations order, deploy and manage IP addresses. But at the very beginning of their journey over 10 years ago, soon after stepping into the data center market, they quickly came to realize the volume of work they had to confront daily. Vincentas himself admits that with such an extensive infrastructure covering 10 data centers globally come great demands. After having tried a few other solutions and combining them with excel sheets, he quickly had to face the reality: “Most of the solutions we employed before EasyDCIM were really limited. We haven't had hardware stock management. We processed OS installations manually. It was the primary reason we kept looking further and came across EasyDCIM which quickly appeared to fit our needs the most.” …present… From shared hosting provider, through cloud services, to finally arrive at the desired business profile - network engineering and IP management. Now, Heficed automates and speeds up the otherwise time-consuming manual process of managing the large volume of various IP addresses. It cannot go unnoticed that throughout the last year, the company’s growth started gathering speed and since we were really curious, we asked Vincentas whether the fact of deploying EasyDCIM three years ago had something to do with that. “Of course, it helped us a lot. EasyDCIM is a great assistant in managing our hardware assets much more efficiently, and thanks to it we have finally started to provision OS installations automatically.” Having a 360-degree view of the infrastructure at all times is actually the thing most of the companies we interviewed put in the spotlight. But even though, there is still one more thing that Vincentas pointed out as the one that proved of great value to him – statistics on server usage. Still, when we asked about which single chunk of EasyDCIM brought the biggest advantage to his business routine we got yet another different answer. “I would have to say that meta tags are definitely the greatest. Their flexibility and usefulness are best confirmed by our Head of Infrastructure who is responsible for the whole setup, remains in charge of the inventory and to whom meta tags turned out to be irreplaceable in labeling all of the bits and pieces.” Vincentas is in fact among the many people to mention that meta tags appeared as a real life-saver for his company. And since that has been always one of our primary goals to make daily data center duties as swift and effortless as possible, we are genuinely pleased to hear those kind words of approval! …future Customer feedback companies receive may be twofold: sometimes it comes with appraisals, and sometimes – with expectations. For us, it has always been the focal point of software development to brainstorm ideas with clients, hearing them out and finding the most optimal solutions together. There is always room for many more improvements and novel features yet to be implemented. Heficed was more than generous to provide us not only with all the support to our platform but also with a motivation to continue striving for excellence. And it is thanks to the first-hand feedback of such companies that we know what our audience needs and, most of all, whether the changes we actively employ have turned out to be as practical as we planned. So, looking ahead into the future of EasyDCIM, we asked Vincentas Grinius about the upgrades that he is still eager to see in our software. At the top of his list appeared an expanded toolkit related to network aggregation – and since we align ourselves with this prospect, we already cannot wait to get around to it! And we hope you will share this excitement with us! Regardless of whether your adventure with web hosting is just starting or perhaps you have lately found yourself stuck with the mediocrity, let the word of recommendation that Vincentas was so kind as to share with us, lead you straight to EasyDCIM!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
Netcetera Case Study - EasyDCIM
Case Studies

Going Big & Going Green – Netcetera Case Study

Which data center company doesn’t dream of expanding its operations to the new markets? It is only natural that once you settle in comfortably with your venture, the vision of making even bigger of a profit soon pops in. The first foothold that needs to be established for the future growth is choosing the DCIM software that you will rely on to manage, organize and monitor the components of your data center. And, as our most recent case study of a certain British company proves, the sooner you find the right solution for yourself, the sooner you can start branching out safely. Feel welcome to follow us on this insightful talk with Chris Murrell, the Chief Technology Officer at Netcetera! The struggle was real Today Netcetera is one of Europe's leading web hosting service providers, supplying customers worldwide with top-notch colocation, dedicated servers and managed infrastructure services scaled perfectly to their needs. Chris admits that with such an extensive offer come great demands. Being active on the market since 1996, the company had to find a viable way to centralize all their daily activities from device assignment and supervision to client management. Curious about how Netcetera was able to keep all those aspects under control, we asked Chris what kind of software they used before moving to EasyDCIM: "We relied on our own, in-built DCIM solution to manage PDUs, switches and other devices, but all of that on a very basic level. Nothing as advanced as EasyDCIM which is an all-in-one control panel for everything you need – adding switches or PDU devices to a server, handling clients and so on." As a matter of fact, Netcetera is not the first company that we interviewed which developed their own, in-house software. But just like in other cases, instead of sinking money into the current tool and expanding it with further features, they opted for an external, fully-fledged solution. The choice which, as Chris remarks, was simply a much more rational and easier alternative for them at the time: "We were looking for a solution to let clients manage their dedicated servers as well as reboot and reinstall them whenever needed." While the proprietary software they developed was fairly practical for the internal use, it simply allowed for very little freedom when it comes to remote server management from the client’s side. All pieces of data center inventory finally in place DCIM software guarantees that all tasks within data center are done exactly the same way each time they are performed. Chris reveals that using EasyDCIM, they were able to reduce IT costs and by freeing up those extra resources - increase service quality: "We have been running our data center for over 28 years and have grown a substantial customer base that is constantly growing every day, in large extent thanks to EasyDCIM." During our interview, Chris pointed out multiple ways in which EasyDCIM streamlined the internal, day-to-date tasks flow in Netcetera: "We use EasyDCIM not only for clients but also ourselves. We have added all our PDUs and switches in it so it’s now easy for us to discover why, for example, a certain device didn’t turn on or off as wanted. EasyDCIM is great for managing all sorts of devices and controlling our infrastructure in overall." Imagine a day of work without having to carry out any of the menial tasks ever again. This is how Chris and his fellow staff members felt after delegating the control over their devices fully to EasyDCIM. Before, they had to first find the correct server, then the rack, and lastly, go through all the switches to see what port they were connected to. "With EasyDCIM we are able to look up the server and view all the relates switches, ports and PDUs right away" – Chris comments. Fostering the culture of environment-friendly data center Optimizing the daily work is just one of the benefits Netcetera discovered after centralizing their infrastructure management into EasyDCIM. Another perk was the ability to further reduce the carbon footprint of their data center facility by increasing power efficiency. The policy of green hosting that the company has been guided by since its formation is being executed through multiple means, including the routine monitoring of data center devices usage. "Every month we are doing a special report detailing how much power usage our PDUs generate so before EasyDCIM we had to implement an external network monitoring software for this purpose. EasyDCIM provides us by default with all the statistics we are concerned about the most and allows us to access them via intelligent graphs. As a matter of fact, we used all different kinds of software for traffic monitoring but only with EasyDCIM it’s all there in one place." But EasyDCIM is not only about empowering data center owners. We wanted to give end clients the same amount of freedom when it comes to the supervision of their servers and real-time power usage straight within the confines of a dedicated customer panel. Did we accomplish that? Chris’s final words seem to be speaking in favor of this fact: "Our audience can easily see how much traffic they’re using and we can bill them every month which is just the perfect solution for us. Also, having remote access to all basic server commands is a huge convenience for them on an everyday basis." Summing up All good things come to an end and so did our wonderful chat with Chris Murrell. But before parting ways, we could not help ourselves but to humbly ask Chris if he would recommend our software to other entrepreneurs. He was more than generous with his response: "Oh, I would recommend EasyDCIM hands down. It has everything in one place, it’s easy to manage and the support is great as well. Whenever I have an issue or get stuck on something, I message the team and they get back to me with further instructions or working solutions." We are ever so grateful to Netcetera for this huge vote of confidence. Being able to do what we are passionate about and helping other businessmen at the same time is for us the best kind of a reward we could ever wish for. Not a part of the EasyDCIM family yet? Feel invited to power our ranks! See our system in action and join now to make your data center management a labor of love!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
Rayobyte Case Study - EasyDCIM
Case Studies

Rayobyte Said Yes to Data Center Automation!

Modern data center architectures are getting more and more complex. So much so that without a robust automation strategy managing them would be close to impossible. Unarguably, automation spares lots of pains by minimizing human errors, cutting the costs and freeing up the staff from mundane but essential data center tasks. No one knows it better than Neil Emeigh, President at Rayobyte. We were more than honored to help his company thrive on ever new levels of automation through our software. Recently Neil agreed to join us in a little chat and spill some beans on what made his company choose EasyDCIM in the first place. Have a pleasant reading! Before EasyDCIM... Rayobyte has stepped into the data center market a few years back and as many other start-ups, soon realized the amount of work that was cut out for them. Most of all, they needed a reliable automation software solution that would provide centralized access to all their data center resources. First off, we asked Neil what tools Rayobyte was using for this purpose before finding their way to EasyDCIM. The very first solution (Neil could not help but smile at the sheer thought of it) was just a makeshift excel sheet online that they quickly abandoned in search of more efficient alternatives. But none of them seemed to meet the needs of a yet developing company entirely. The two software instruments that did capture their interest were either too pricey, or "features were impossible to implement upon request, nor could we do it ourselves due to no API. Too many bugs/issues didn't allow us to be comfortable growing." After being on a hunt for a perfect tool for a while, Rayobyte came across EasyDCIM, and luckily for both sides – stayed there for longer. ...And After Today, Rayobyte uses EasyDCIM to run and manage hundreds of servers that operate their popular proxy service. Interested in what exactly changed for Rayobyte after they have switched their business automation software, we turned to Neil for some extra insight. And we got more than we could have wished for! "All of our owned hardware and parts are stored in a single system that allows for automatic ordering with WHMCS. Other management abilities (PDU, switch, CPU/temp/etc, etc) are yet to be used to their full potential, but as they continue to mature we'll be adopting them more and more. The biggest achievement is being comfortable having all our inventory in a system we can trust for the long term." Being obsessed with server provisioning and management automation, we never stop seeking new ways to push it to the next level in EasyDCIM. This obviously includes peeking at the other players on the market and learning a thing or two from them whenever we can. This time also we jumped at the opportunity and picked Neil’s brains on how he would rate automation in EasyDCIM versus other software his company had the chance to test out. Without a shadow of doubt in his voice, Neil concluded that most of them, "from order to sending out an email for the credentials for the server and the IPMI include some steps that require human involvement and we didn’t have that problem with EasyDCIM." Being oriented at fast service delivery, you must be able to reduce the time needed for ongoing tasks and concentrating on more strategic projects. And who doesn’t like the idea of generating maximum profit with minimum effort, right? Neil also agrees that "spending an hour of engineer time to set up a server takes away a lot from the bottom line". Establishing a solid software background is pivotal to reducing IT costs without losing out on service quality. And we feel extremely proud to have been recognized by Rayobyte as a means to this end! Before heading over to the last part of our conversation, we probed Neil about the feature that his company keeps deriving the greatest advantage from. "Full automatic deployment from start to end after a WHMCS order. This end to end solution has potential that is not seen very easily on the market elsewhere." This particular piece of feedback added a lot to our confidence because many clients in fact approached us on the subject of integration between EasyDCIM and WHMCS in the past. And so, seeing the growing interest in this popular billing and automation platform, we finally hooked up with guys from ModulesGarden who are experts at designing high-end addons for the WHMCS system. As a result of this close cooperation two modules were delivered - EasyDCIM Dedicated Servers For WHMCS and EasyDCIM Colocation For WHMCS. Both are offered completely free of charge to let you enjoy the best of two worlds at the same time. And it was great to hear from Rayobyte they really do! The power of feedback Many companies shy away from customer feedback. Because sometimes it comes with appraisals, sometimes – expectations. We thrive on both. To us, software development is more about brainstorming ideas with clients, finding the most optimal solutions, and working hard towards their direct implementation. And Rayobyte was more than generous with all the support they shared on our platform throughout these many months of being our dear partner. During today’s session we received even some more: "Without your responsive team fixing bugs, adding features, etc, my feelings toward the product might be entirely different. You have me as a customer for life and your one-time expenses for this amazing developer team will pay off over the months/years. A very wise business model that I highly suggest you continue to pursue." These words melted our hearts. But much as we appreciate this token of loyalty, we never intend to simply rest on our laurels. So, looking ahead into the future of EasyDCIM a bit, we asked Neil Emeigh about the upgrades that he would still love to see in our software. At the top of his company’s list appeared a broader toolkit related to IP management. And feeling pretty closely aligned with this prospect, we already look forward to getting around to it in earnest! Final thoughts Nowadays data centers have plenty of responsibilities, but not necessarily personnel. Rayobyte realized that the only way up is through full-time automation of their server ordering, provisioning, and management processes. This decision led them straight to EasyDCIM. Did they ever consider switching back to the tools they once tested? We believe Neil's following words to speak for themselves: "As for server management, inventory, monitoring, ordering, etc, nothing compares to EasyDCIM in terms of functionality and price." Slightly apprehensive but also full of hope, the moment came to ask Neil the decisive question. Whether he would recommend EasyDCIM to other server providers struggling with similar shortages his company once faced. Neil answered with an anecdote about how he met up with a close friend only to find out that they both used and loved EasyDCIM. This can only mean one thing - two testimonies are better than one, right? :) But still, nothing can compete with first-hand experience so see for yourself how EasyDCIM can help your company reach new heights of success!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
Libyan Spider Case Study - EasyDCIM
Case Studies

EasyDCIM helps Libyan Spider break the mold

Over the last years the demand for easier, faster, and more efficient server provisioning and data center management has immensely intensified. But so have our attempts to fill the niche in these soaring expectations with ever more simple and intuitive design of our control panel. How well did we perform in accomplishing this goal? We feel in no position to answer this question ourselves, therefore we sat down today with Ahmed Shibani, the Chief Technology Officer at Libyan Spider, for a brief conversation about the dynamic nature of modern data centers and how EasyDCIM helped his company overcome the obstacles that were stopping it in the tracks. Libyan Spider on a quest for innovation Through the course of many years of business activity, Libyan Spider was relying on an open source DCIM system which had a fairly narrow set of utilities, but allowed them to provide personalized web hosting services to their clients with a satisfactory level of automation. Up to a point, that is, when the company’s board figured out that "If we can substantially decrease the time and effort required to bring our customers visualizations into realization, then we and our customers would both benefit greatly". Needless to say, saying goodbye to the outdated and somewhat crude software solution was for Libyan Spider the first step that they needed to make before plunging into this ambitious venture. Looking backward at the limitations that were preventing his company from making the dynamic progress they were set on, Ahmed notices: "As our infrastructure grew larger, we needed a robust solution that would allow us to have a 360 degrees view of our infrastructure at all times. And when a datacenter becomes larger you realize there are so many things to track, from available ports on a switch, to power management, bandwidth management, provisioning, etc". But greater administrative flexibility and round-the-clock monitoring of both software and hardware components were not the only requirements that their future control panel needed to incorporate. Ahmed goes on to reveal that when taking the long-term approach towards budget planning, you also need something to "fit nicely with your billing system." EasyDCIM steps in to fill the gap After recounting all sorts of specific essentials that they were after, Ahmed mentions that when this decisive moment finally came, Libyan Spider bound their future with EasyDCIM. When asked in what ways our tool exactly helped his company achieve the far-reaching goals they had pinned for themselves, without a moment of hesitation Ahmed replied: "EasyDCIM has delivered our expectations and surpassed it, it has allowed us to bring the datacenter closer to our customers, and it has made our technical staff's life easier". With our spirits immensely uplifted in reaction to this powerful vote of confidence, we immediately sprang up to learn some more details on the experience that Libyan Spider have had with our software throughout the many years of using it. Once again, we were deeply touched to hear that: "Today we depend on EasyDCIM as an accurate inventory management system, we trust it with servers life cycle management, integration with WHMCS and NOC-PS has decreased our average server delivery time from 24 hours to 1 hour." We were no less delighted about some truly kind-hearted words on our customer service as well: "and on top of that you get awesome friendly support." As our conversation was nearing to an end, partly of our own curiosity but mostly with the aim to understand our clients’ needs even better for the future, we asked Ahmed which single chunk of EasyDCIM brought the biggest boon to his business routine. Would you like to know what his first response was? "My favorite feature would be Server Provisioning, integration with NOC-PS is exceptional and reliable. This wouldn't have been possible if EasyDCIM didn't have another great feature which is IPMI Integration." Was it worth it? The final verdict Keeping in mind what led Libyan Spider to switching their old control panel for a more cutting-edge model in the first place, this answer may not have come as a complete shock to us, but left us with some other valuable conclusions instead. When we were preparing for this interview, our primary focus was to encourage other companies out there in the world to get out of the box that is confining them, and seek out innovative business solutions that provide them with plenty of room for growth. Just like Libyan Spider did. But little did we realize that this little project will turn into a valuable lesson for ourselves as well. A spark of hope, actually, that everything we are doing to help companies increase their productivity by taking as many redundant, repetitive tasks off their shoulders as possible, has a tangible impact that ripples through every sector of their lives. Whether you are just starting your journey with web hosting or find yourself stuck in the routine of mediocrity, let the passionate words of recommendation that Ahmed was so kind as to share with us today, guide you straight to EasyDCIM!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga