EasyDCIM v1.12.0 Release
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.12.0 brings Ubuntu 24.04 and Fujitsu iRMC S5 support

Time to bring another cause for celebration! Not that long ago, EasyDCIM marked its own ten-year milestone in the rapidly growing DCIM industry. Now, we are back with a brand-new release that pays special respect to the 20th anniversary of Ubuntu. This is all thanks to a new system template dedicated to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS brought at the heart of EasyDCIM v1.12.0. But the celebration doesn't stop there - the update comes packed with a range of new tools and enhancements ensuring the platform stays fully current with market standards and never falls short of the expectations of even the most demanding users. Welcoming "Noble Numbat" on board The new system template for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is no doubt one of the most anticipated features of EasyDCIM v1.12.0. "Noble Numbat" is particularly noble because it’s an LTS version, meaning it offers long-term support covering five years, with options to extend even further. But it’s not just about longevity. Ubuntu 24.04 LTS brings a variety of new features, from a revamped installer to improved system security, making it a solid choice for beginners and veterans alike. The minimal default installation is perfect for those who want a streamlined setup, while support for ZFS and TPM encryption offers cutting-edge options for those looking to experiment. Moreover, with the latest GNOME 46 desktop environment and a refreshed Application Center, Ubuntu 24.04 LTS is as user-friendly as it is powerful. The launch of OS Installation v2.0.8 extension means you can now enjoy a brand-new template designed specifically for Ubuntu 24.04 LTS. From configuring your time zone and language to handling essential first-boot scripts with ease, this update ensures every installation step is streamlined and hassle-free, going above and beyond to enhance your workflows. Expanding Redfish support Building on the success of the previous release, which introduced Redfish protocol support for ASUS servers, EasyDCIM v1.12.0 now extends this functionality to Fujitsu iRMC S5 servers. This means better automation and easier management, as the system can automatically detect key server details like model, label, and serial number, along with components such as processors, RAM, and network interfaces. Just like with other drivers provided by EasyDCIM via IPMI Integration, the updated extension comes ready to handle tasks like Power On, Power Off, and Reboot on Fujitsu iRMC S5 servers with just a click. Advanced Monitoring gets even smarter Another significant update in EasyDCIM v1.12.0 is the enhanced Advanced Monitoring extension. This tool is crucial for setting up and managing complex system monitors across your entire inventory. The latest version introduces new types of monitors for sensors and power ports, enabling more precise supervision of your data center infrastructure. You can set thresholds for sensor readings and power usage, ensuring you get alerted if these values are breached. This proactive approach helps you manage potential risks effectively and ensures your systems remain in top shape. Whether you are celebrating Ubuntu's legacy with the new "Noble Numbat" installation or exploring new horizons with expanded Redfish support, EasyDCIM v1.12.0 has something new for everyone to explore and learn about. And for those who love diving into the nitty-gritty, the full changelog is your next stop for all the detailed bits! View the Changelog!
Joanna Byjoś - EasyDCIM Marketing Team Leader
Joanna Byjoś
EasyDCIM v1.11
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.11.0 rolls out Debian 12 support and ASUS driver

At EasyDCIM, we understand that going with the flow of the most up-to-date technologies is pivotal to put your data center at the forefront of the dedicated server market. As we are determined to achieve this goal, we keep pushing boundaries. Today we are glad to announce that you can confidently take another step on your path, as the new 1.11.0 version of EasyDCIM has just been rolled out. Let’s have a look at what’s in store now. Welcoming Debian 12 Staying true to our word, we decided the time has come to bid farewell to Debian 11, and embrace full support for its powerful successor - Debian 12 “bookworm” which from now on will stand as the sole supported system for installing EasyDCIM and remote agents. Since the launch of Debian 12 brought a comprehensive suite of new packages (over 11089 to be precise, contributing to a total of over 64419 packages!), updated software, and advancements for users across various fields, there’s no way EasyDCIM’s compatibility with the latest version of this prominent Linux family member can go unnoticed. Among the benefits you can expect of this powerful integration, here come the most noteworthy ones: Seamless installation and updates of EasyDCIM and remote agents thanks to the implementation of a new installer and updater Improved smoothness and security of essential computer operations due to upgrading the majority of the system’s libraries to the most recent version Enhanced performance of the platform and even better protection from digital threats resulting from a series of vital improvements Swift transition from Debian 11 ensured by EasyDCIM's automatic upgrade feature Given all that, the question whether we could lay any better and more solid foundation for our platform remains purely rhetorical. Let’s proceed then. New layers of Redfish support On the occasion of the release of version 1.9.9, we boasted about our IPMI integration extension tying the compatibility knot between EasyDCIM and the Redfish protocol in order to streamline the management of servers from widely-recognized manufacturers such as Dell or Supermicro. Our today’s launch breathes a fresh scent of novelty into this sector by introducing a new driver tailored explicitly for ASUS servers. This feature opens the door to automatic identification of essential server information as well as gathering detailed data on the server hardware components, including processors, RAM, hard disk drives and solid-state drives, and network interfaces. The Redfish protocol now also proves useful when it comes to careful monitoring of the server performance - thanks to automatic detection of sensors in ASUS, Dell and HP servers, and integrating their parameters into EasyDCIM, you can constantly keep a watchful eye on your infrastructure and promptly address any malfunctions. Where do we go from here? More in the field of proactive maintenance is expected in future updates of EasyDCIM, as we are currently working on enabling administrators to set custom limits for sensors and to receive email notifications whenever any of these limits are exceeded. Expanding on the topic of administrative tasks and their smooth flow, let's not forget that the Redfish protocol allows remote device restarts and boot/shutdown actions. Keeping track of power consumption How about being able to define limits on the amount of power that servers can consume? Thanks to the new function added to our Usage Collector extension, you can establish thresholds for power usage for servers that support the Redfish protocol. What’s more, you can now receive email alerts if a server exceeds the predefined setting so that proper preventative action can be taken. Previously, this option was only available for PDU devices via the SNMP protocol. Wrapping up now, we are excited for you to get a glimpse of the big picture regarding our recent accomplishments. The best way to do that? Simply head over to our website. Feel free to do it right away - the changelog of EasyDCIM v1.11.0 is all set, and ready for your visit! View the Changelog!
Joanna Byjoś - EasyDCIM Marketing Team Leader
Joanna Byjoś
EasyDCIM v1.10.0 Release
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.10.0 upgrades focus on automation and security

With the turn of the season comes another major progress for EasyDCIM, marked by taking a fresh step toward the ultimate simplicity in data center management. Curious about how far we have come this time? Look no further than the just launched EasyDCIM v1.10.0! There wouldn’t be much development going on in our realm if we weren’t aware that every single tech tool needs to regularly absorb new functionalities that go hand in hand with growing expectations of the users. With this simple truth in our mind, we’ve been, again, tinkering with the platform’s architecture to reach higher automation and security levels, and by doing so make sure that every single aspect of your data center ecosystem is taken care of properly. Let’s take a quick tour around the new additions then, shall we? Add devices in a flash We always aim at facilitating and simplifying data center routines, which is why we have implemented a new form that streamlines the way of adding devices to your system. Our goal was to automate all key actions behind the scenes, minimizing the need for manual intervention on the administrator’s part and significantly speeding up the entire process. Here’s the list of crucial tasks that thanks to the new feature can now run automatically in the background: Placing the device in a specific location within a rack cabinet in your facility Providing essential network information for the newly added device: IP address, MAC address, default gateway and mask Integrating the device with the switch port and the PDU power outlet Setting up the IPMI access information Testing the connection to the switch, PDU, and IPMI interface Keep SSH keys close at hand As the times are turbulent when it comes to digital safety, we don’t hesitate to go the extra mile in our attempts to make our platform rock-solidly secure, which we did this time by updating our OS Installation extension. We’ve attended to this matter by moving away from end-user passwords and adding support for SSH keys right at the installation stage. This solution allows administrators and clients to add their SSH keys to EasyDCIM, then select the desired key during the installation of an operating system, and use it afterwards in order to log in to the dedicated SSH server without entering a password. One more noteworthy piece of news is that this feature is available for nearly all of our supported Linux-based operating systems. Fedora Server 39 on board When talking about reaching new mileposts in the development of OS Installation extension, we can’t fail to mention that the list of available system templates has been expanded so that now it also covers Fedora Server 39. Here’s a quick breakdown of actions that can be performed during the automatic process of installing this operating system: Selecting the appropriate geographical region, time zone and the preferred language for the user interface and system messages Disk partitioning Creating user accounts along with the root password Configuring network interfaces Installing additional system packages Installing post-installation as well as first boot scripts By the force of habit developed out of the need to maximize our platform’s potential, we haven’t restricted our efforts to just putting up a display of new features. What follows right behind is a host of improvements, including those introduced to IPMI Integration and Usage Collector extensions. They contribute to a more streamlined and user-friendly experience for system administrators and users alike, and enhance both productivity and management capabilities. The EasyDCIM journey continues, with no end within sight. Why not follow our tracks more closely? Take a look at the changelog and discover all the details behind the release of version 1.10.0! View the Changelog!
Joanna Byjoś - EasyDCIM Marketing Team Leader
Joanna Byjoś
EasyDCIM v1.9.9
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.9.9 makes strides with Redfish and Duo Security!

It was just a blink of an eye ago that our marketplace welcomed a major update - the platform has officially opened up to the integration with HostBill, courtesy of two brand-new (and free!) extensions: Dedicated Servers For HostBill and Colocation For HostBill. Now, fully aware that the dust has barely settled, we are announcing that another anticipated step on our developmental path has been taken. Let us shed some light on the freshly unveiled EasyDCIM v1.9.9! Redfish ProtocolFacilitating server detection Our major focus is always on freeing server management from chaos and complexity – one functional aspect at a time. And that’s exactly what has driven this fresh change, resulting in new features that will empower you with greater control over your elaborate infrastructure. Determined to respond to changing industry dynamics and community needs, we made our IPMI integration extension compatible with the Redfish protocol that stands out as a cutting-edge technology employed by the most prominent dedicated server manufacturers like Dell, Supermicro, and HP. R.I.P IPMI - Long Live Redfish? Increasingly recognized as a modern and more secure alternative to IPMI, Redfish stands ready to eventually replace it, emerging as the fresh industry standard for data center management. Does Redfish actually have a shot at it? It seems highly likely, given Intel's confirmation that there are no upcoming updates to the IPMI specification to be expected. The implementation of this solution revolutionizes the whole auto-discovery process, previously anchored solely in the SNMP protocol and its support for network devices. It creates space not just for the automatic detection of dedicated servers, but also facilitates convenient access to detailed information about various server components, including: Processors - with data on: the model, name, and cores. RAM memory - with data on: the model, label, serial number, and memory size expressed in gigabytes. Hard disk drives (HDD) and solid-state drives (SSD) - with data on: the model, manufacturer, serial number, description, and disk size expressed in gigabytes. Network interfaces - with data on: the description, MAC address, name, and operational and administrative status of the port. The whole operation smoothly fits into the pattern of simple and convenient navigation. You just need to enter essential access information - IP address, username, and password; the rest is up to EasyDCIM that automatically identifies the server and adds it to the system with all its components. It is even possible to successfully discover entire subnets – in that case, the subnet has to be provided in CIDR notation, which prompts EasyDCIM to create discovery tasks for all IP addresses in that particular subnet. More than just discovering devices, Redfish integration has broadened EasyDCIM's feature set with remote restart and boot/shutdown actions. Duo SecurityPutting you at ease In the era of an increased number of cybercrime instances and threats, it’s not surprising that the issue of security remains one of the major concerns reported by our clients. Taking a proactive stance, we decided to enrich the Two-Factor Authentication extension with seamless integration with Cisco Duo Security. This two-factor authentication solution based on the new Universal Prompt has been quickly gaining popularity in the market for its robust safety features. When it comes to smartphones, you can download the Duo Mobile app that utilizes the two-step verification function to further enhance login security in EasyDCIM. A bonus touch of simplicity Last but not least, we channeled our efforts into the revamping of how EasyDCIM manages noVNC sessions, i.e. it facilitates the server's KVM console connections by means of the noVNC technology. Now the noVNC session relies on the main SSL certificate of the EasyDCIM domain. This enhancement worked into the IPMI integration extension considerably simplifies configuration, eliminating the need for additional certificates dedicated solely to noVNC sessions. We know exactly how to set the ball rolling, don't we? And we make it roll directly toward the forefront of technology, correcting the course every single time we spot an area for improvement. Now, assuming we have successfully whetted your appetite for more specifics concerning the 1.9.9 release, we highly recommend reviewing the detailed changelog available on our website. View the Changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.9.8
Release Notes

Proxmox VE 8.X integration in focus – EasyDCIM v1.9.8

It's quite astonishing to think that we're soon to cross the finish line of 2023, isn't it? The latter half of this year unfolds as a high-spirited and action-packed period in the evolution of EasyDCIM, marked notably by the exciting launch of our brand-new website. If you are eager to find out what else we have managed to squeeze into this pivotal chapter, let's dive right into the behind-the-scenes magic of our latest release, version 1.9.8! Keeping Pace with Proxmox VE We consider it a priority for EasyDCIM to stay in sync with the latest Proxmox Virtual Environment. Progressing from version 6 to 7, we are now proudly announcing support for Proxmox VE 8.X, including its 8.1 release delivered just minutes ago! Enhanced with another dedicated system template, the OS Installation extension ensures your infrastructure is always equipped with the latest technology and evolves just as seamlessly. The installation template tailored for both Proxmox VE 8.0 and 8.1 is built on the latest Debian 12 release, which makes it your ticket to the full package of recent upgrades and improvements. A Practical Approach to User Management In response to user suggestions, and the crucial goal of optimizing account management, EasyDCIM v1.9.8 introduces a user-friendly mechanism for merging two client accounts. Gone are the hassles of canceling orders, creating new ones, and reassigning devices. Now, you can effortlessly join two separate accounts, ensuring that all data, including orders, devices, logs, notifications, and API keys, moves smoothly from one account to another. Whether you choose to keep or delete the second client account, the process remains swift and straightforward. Simplified Connectivity To stay ahead of the evolving industry trends, EasyDCIM v1.9.8 brings a significant enhancement to the process of establishing connections between network ports. The new mechanism for assigning server network ports to switch network ports now features an efficient search feature. This makes the entire process quicker and more intuitive for administrators, allowing them to easily manage connections with precise device and network port searches, and thus reducing operational complexities. With a focus on industry’s growing expectations, and a touch of innovation, EasyDCIM v1.9.8 empowers a harmonious data center environment where efficiency and precision take center stage. Embrace the change, navigate through the wide range of possibilities, and make a trouble-free admin experience your new standard! View the Changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.9.7
Release Notes

LDAP Authentication and Debian 12 support arrive in EasyDCIM v1.9.7!

Revitalizing our website was quite the adventure, but don't think for a second we've taken our eyes off the main prize - our control panel. On the contrary! Now that we have this sleek modern marketplace where you can smoothly browse all the extensions tailored for EasyDCIM, the timing feels just right to introduce you to something entirely new and outstanding: LDAP Authentication - the star feature of the latest EasyDCIM v1.9.7! This just in: LDAP Authentication Running a data center often means juggling a multitude of users on a daily basis. This involves setting up access permissions customized to each user's role. With LDAP in the mix, this entire process becomes as painless as it gets, not only saving valuable time and enhancing security standards but also streamlining the authentication by centralizing it. Did you know? LDAP was born in 1993 when a group of developers dedicated themselves to making accessing directories easier compared to the older Directory Access Protocol (DAP). They developed a protocol with fewer lines of code, making it a perfect fit for individuals using regular desktop computers. The LDAP Authentication extension, in essence, connects EasyDCIM with the widely used LDAP directory services like Microsoft Active Directory for Windows and OpenLDAP for Linux. Its practical purpose? To make user and administrator authentication in EasyDCIM quick and trouble-free through the use of the trusted LDAP credentials. By handling synchronization jobs and choosing how often they occur, you’re always in control, making sure everything syncs up just the way you like it for your team. Plus, in case of any updates in the LDAP directory, the extension will take care of syncing them up with EasyDCIM automatically. It's that simple! Meet the Bookworm Debian 12, playfully nicknamed "Bookworm" after one of the less known Toy Story characters, has emerged as a serious challenger to Windows 11 in the race for the title of the best operating system. The last stable release of this Linux-based distro opens the door to a genuine alternative that puts power back in the hands of users. An undoubted highlight in Debian 12's bundle of features is its reliable pledge to long-lasting support. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of the Debian Security and Long Term Support teams, Bookworm gets a comforting five-year coverage. This means you can trust Debian 12 to be your go-to for computing adventures, free from the constant rush to upgrade or switch to newer editions. With OS Installation v2.0.3 released for immediate use, you are invited to benefit fully from a new template crafted specially for Debian 12, streamlining the stages of installation and setup for your added convenience. From picking your preferred time zone and language to effortlessly installing those crucial first-boot scripts - the extension got every step covered, and then some! Maximizing productivity, one detail at a time Before we wrap things up and encourage you to dive into the full changelog for a more in-depth look, let's glide through a couple of additional features in EasyDCIM v1.9.7 that simplify some of your daily rituals in managing a data center. Mass server power control: It doesn't get any easier than this: all you need to do from now on is select a bunch of rows in the "Servers" table, trigger the power action, either on or off, and watch the tasks get queued up for action. It's a real time-saver and a friendlier electricity bill, too! Seamless server swapping during order process: Picture this - you've got an active order, and the dedicated server assigned to it encounters an unexpected hiccup. Yikes! But no worries - now you can swiftly swap it out. No need to cancel and re-order, just make use of the “Replace Asset” option. Easy peasy! Now since you're clued in on all the major updates that have just landed in this release, we recommend taking a closer look at the complete list of changes to track all the charming little details that are still waiting to be explored! View the Changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
All-New EasyDCIM Website
Release Notes

Next EasyDCIM chapter with the brand-new website!

In the context of today's energetic business growth in cyberspace, a website embodies much more than just a digital storefront; it’s like a virtual gateway through which users launch into their journey, shaping the initial impression they have of your offerings. This is why it's crucial for the website to be just as inviting and intuitive in its navigation as the product itself. Here at EasyDCIM, we recognize and wholeheartedly embrace the synergy between our website and the user experience. Key components of our page, such as the client area and documentation, directly impact how users interact with EasyDCIM on a daily basis. Therefore, as we marked the 8th anniversary of EasyDCIM’s inaugural stable release, we set out on a daring mission to reimagine our website. Our goal was crystal clear: transform it into a captivating reflection of the magic that happens within EasyDCIM. Today, after months of passionate work, we are absolutely thrilled to unveil the all-new, redeveloped EasyDCIM website. Where to look for the magic? In short, everywhere! Every single stop on your journey through the EasyDCIM pages has been totally reconstructed, designed from the ground up to incorporate the latest trends, while respecting the browsing patterns and preferences of our beloved users. Here's an intriguing glimpse of what's new! Website: We set our sights on providing the highest possible user comfort – whether you're at a desktop computer, balancing a laptop on your knees, or holding a smartphone or tablet. We recognize that, just like our versatile EasyDCIM control panel, our website must adapt to all kinds of usage scenarios present in today's vibrant virtual reality. Picture this as the red carpet of our digital world. We've rolled out a grand display of all the spectacular features our system offers, supported by nearly 200 authentic screenshots. You'll be captivated in particular by: A brand-new, highly anticipated "Servers Reselling" section, showcasing how seamlessly EasyDCIM integrates with WHMCS with the aim of empowering you to manage resellers for your dedicated servers through the invaluable assistance of automation. The new marketplace consolidates all our extensions, including the freshly developed LDAP Authentication For EasyDCIM which handles the integration with the most popular LDAP directory services. We've also made it easier for you to reach out to us with whatever’s on your mind, and introduced a more user-friendly Help Center, fully integrated with our documentation. Moreover, the website now provides laser-sharp insights into each of the available EasyDCIM plans, guiding you even more thoughtfully to choose the perfect solution for your unique needs. Client Area: This is the cockpit of your EasyDCIM journey, and we've given it a complete makeover. Say goodbye to the old hassles – communication with us is smoother, license management is a breeze, and payments are a snap. We've also rolled out a new panel for affiliates – an exciting opportunity to join hands with us. Documentation: Our documentation reopens with a comprehensively redesigned look and feel, offering a wealth of detailed articles, insightful tips, and invaluable know-how. Go ahead and navigate through endless fresh screenshots elegantly presented in an easily accessible gallery. A custom search mechanism that we've tailored from the ground up ensures you spot precisely what you seek in seconds, and a revamped navigation system promises expedited access to vital information. Moreover, you can now rate our articles anytime you feel like it using convenient buttons on the left-hand side. Your vote means a lot to us, even more than you might realize – it's a quick and effortless way to signal if our documentation is on point. After all, we're crafting it with one goal in mind: to provide all the answers you need! API Documentation: For the tech-savvy adventurers, our API documentation has undergone a restyling for clarity and ease of understanding. It's your portal to unlocking the full potential of EasyDCIM's integration capabilities, now presented in an accessible format. Industry Blog: Completing this transformation wouldn't be the same without introducing our all-new Blog, equipped with modern layout and restructured filtering, and, perhaps most thrilling of all, full mobile compatibility. Why? Because we know you're on the move, and we want to be right there with you. Our central focus is to make your reading experience enjoyable and engaging – especially when it comes to following the path of the EasyDCIM growth. With this extensive visual and functional evolution, this place is now your ultimate destination for all things data center: from dedicated release notes for every new EasyDCIM version to insightful guides, in-depth expertise, and industry-specific tips and tricks. It's more than just a blog; it's your Data Center Geeks Hub! ♥ Join the Journey! We proudly invite you to take a mindful stroll through these transformative changes. Our revitalized website isn't just a tribute to EasyDCIM's genuine spirit of innovation; it's a testament to our commitment to making your user experience a one to remember. Your feedback is our compass, and we eagerly await your thoughts and insights in the comments below. Together, we'll continue shaping the future of EasyDCIM, making it an even more extraordinary destination for our remarkable community. Embrace the New!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.9.6
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.9.6 – The evolution continues with PHP 8.1 and Unix OS!

Watching as technology nowadays bends over backwards to keep up with rapid shifts in customer requirements, we continue to progress in our own mission to deliver the equally cutting-edge offerings within our platform. It is by following the current industry breakthroughs and actively responding to user demands that EasyDCIM soldifies its position as a reputable DCIM solution provider. In this article, we'll take a deep dive into the key highlights of the all-new 1.9.6 version and how this update contributes to enhanced security, seamless adoption of the latest innovations, and enriched operational potential. So, let's dive right in! PHP 8.1 Support EasyDCIM users who have eagerly awaited this upgrade can now leverage the benefits of PHP 8.1 translating to a safer and more efficient experience. The transition to PHP 8.1 involved a series of intricate changes within the platform, including the development of a new installer and updater specifically designed for the latest PHP version. Not only does this effort result in a significant stride toward enhancing the overall application security, but it also guarantees seamless compatibility with the most up-to-date technological standards. FreeBSD 13.1 System Template While the technical advancements made in EasyDCIM v1.9.6 lay a solid foundation for improved performance, the spotlight should be also put on the updated OS Installation extension. Rumor has it that FreeBSD has performed a prominent role in the development of Apple OS. FreeBSD 13.1 is a significant new addition to EasyDCIM's repertoire of system templates, as it expands the range of supported operating systems beyond the realms of Linux and Windows. With its Unix-based, open source architecture, and reputation for high stability and reliability, FreeBSD presents a robust OS alternative and unleashes new opportunities for diverse infrastructure setups, integrating well with both server and desktop environments. Extended VLAN Management Another extension stepping into the spotlight, Switch Management v1.4.2 carries a particularly noteworthy feature - comprehensive support for Juniper switches running JUNOS 20. With the introduction of a new driver, you are free to benefit from a full toolset responsible e.g. for assigning VLANs to a switch network port or updating the status and speed of network ports. At EasyDCIM, we leave no stone unturned to showcase our dedication to leading the technology race with every new platform release. If you're eager to dive into all the details of the 1.9.6 version, we highly recommend checking out the comprehensive changelog right on our website. View the Changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.9.5
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.9.5 cuts the frills of custom ISO files management!

Having the inquisitive mind of technology explorers and industry trend followers that we are, we focus habitually on what new features can still power up EasyDCIM, but never lose sight of how to constantly improve the range of existing functionality. The all-new 1.9.5 release, arriving with substantially more freedom in terms of OS installation, leaves no room for doubt that if something can be done better, smarter or in a more flexible way, we won’t aim for anything less. Using custom ISO images? No sweat! To fully understand how much of a difference EasyDCIM v1.9.5 really makes, let's first take a look back at how the platform worked so far. Up to now, the OS Installation extension has allowed the main process to be handled by means of predefined installation templates, based mostly on data repositories of distributions like Debian, Ubuntu or CentOS. This solution has proven to work perfectly well... unless the client needs to install some custom operating system based on an ISO image on the server. That is where OS Installation For EasyDCIM 2.0.1 comes into play. With the brand-new option to mount ISO images by end customers via noVNC sessions, they can easily carry out the installation of any preferred ISO-based operating system. As you surely would like, EasyDCIM has got you covered when it comes to all essential steps involved in the process, including setting limits and automatically removing files that are no longer needed. The list of OS templates goes on Another notable point of growth marked in the timeline of OS Installation extension concerns the choice of available system templates which now covers also Fedora 37 Server and CloudLinux 9. The range of performable actions is no different to what you've already grown accustomed to while using other installation templates, but if you need your memory refreshed, here’s a quick run-through: Time zone and language configuration Disk partitioning Creation of user accounts and root password Configuration of network interfaces Installation of additional system packages as well as post-installation and first-boot scripts Next layer of security Now if there's one thing that can catch the attention of administrators, it's the security of their data centers! As a guaranteed protection against any sort of unauthorized access, EasyDCIM now provides the ability to determine the IP addresses allowed into the backend section of the platform. To be precise, the new release empowers admins to specify either individual IP addresses or whole subnets from which the management panel can be entered. Because we can all agree that no amount of security is too much! The official changelog thoroughly details everything you need to know about EasyDCIM v1.9.5, including aspects that didn't make it into this short article - why don’t you start getting more familiar with their wide-ranging benefits straight away? View the Changelog!
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga
EasyDCIM v1.9.4
Release Notes

EasyDCIM v1.9.4 with Email Summaries – Never skip a beat again!

Every business owner experiences it to some extent – the inflow of so much data, that it can become practically impossible to keep up with the constant development of your enterprise. Well, it doesn’t have to be this way, and certainly not with the latest EasyDCIM v1.9.4 and the spanking new addition of Email Summaries, which will ensure you stay on top of your time-consuming duties better than ever before! Vital insight now at a single click! There must have been many situations with unfavorable circumstances which you found yourself in, not allowing you to conveniently and, more importantly, quickly gain access to information about what’s going on in your system. From now on, you can happily relax and stay up-to-date by having every piece of news handed to you not exactly on a plate, but in the form of personalized Email Summaries. Not every piece of data bares the same importance, so it is entirely up to you which ones should be received, and how often. Daily, weekly, monthly – however you like! With 7 widgets to choose from, you’ll be able to highly customize your email notifications, including exactly what you want to take a closer look at. So, what are the aspects EasyDCIM can let you know about? Location Statistics Presents information on all locations, including statistics on data and power consumption, rack occupancy and server availability. General Statistics Includes data on new orders, devices and parts, as well as completed OS installations, server reboots and updated devices. New Orders Shows the details of each order, including the customer data, order date and its status. Top Servers By Traffic Contains information on servers that consume the highest data transfer amounts. Top Servers By Uptime Indicates the servers that stay active the longest. Top PDUs By Usage Lists information on the PDU devices that consume the most power in Amps. Top Worst Devices By Polling Time Displays a list of devices, for which the data polling process takes an unusually long time. This is nowhere near the end of customization possibilities, as you are also empowered to personally select the administrators that will receive these email messages, perfectly enclosed in a brand new, modern template that ensures clarity and accessibility. The range of opportunities widened Say hello to OS Installation For EasyDCIM 2.0! This eagerly anticipated update integrates well with new versions of our system templates to allow the automatic installation of Vmware ESXi 8.0 and Oracle Linux 9, as well as the freshly added VzLinux 8, an environment that has not been previously supported! Each of them successfully handles the crucial processes, such as time zone and language configuration, disk partitioning, the creation of user accounts and root password, the configuration of network interfaces and the installation of additional system packages, as well as post-installation and first boot scripts.
Piotr Dołęga - EasyDCIM CMO
Piotr Dołęga