A lot of improvements that make their way to our data center control panel come directly from the experience of running our own company. For example, there is this one thing we learned a while back. Mainly, that the better you organize your business management straight from the get-go, the easier it is later on for you to handle all your daily tasks.

Hooked on this compelling idea, we are taking today another crucial step toward simplifying the interaction with our software. Ready to jump into our newly rolled out EasyDCIM 1.6.2 version and monitor your data center assets effortlessly like never before?

Re-engineered logs and dashboard intelligence

Initiated in the previous version, the process of remastering the entire system interface continues on. One of the most visible alterations you will spot right on is the whole new “Activity Logs” tab. Created from the combination of two previous sections – “Revision History” and “Notifications”, it will archive all sorts of modifications within a device such as its rack assignment, power status, or change of metadata items including IP Address, Hostname and HDD Size. No matter what type of action was performed on your data center devices, you will momentarily view both the current and the previous value, the user responsible for a particular activity as well as the date when the change happened.

Device Activity Logs - EasyDCIM v1.6.2

With equal ease you will now also access the record of unsuccessfully carried out actions, reported back by such protocols like SNMP, IPMI and others. All you need to do is move on to the newly available “Error Logs” section and get up to speed with each matter that requires your attention.

Device Error Logs - EasyDCIM v1.6.2

Next practical addition planted in the Dashboard is a dynamic widget with a history of most recent activities. What is more, you can freely filter the results by the exact notification type (Info, Error, Success, Warning) plus the priority level (Normal, Important, Urgent). Having problems with tracking various tasks that are being performed on your devices or items? With this ever up-to-date widget aiding you daily, you can devote to the monitoring of your data center as little time as possible, and yet stay perfectly aware of every single change taking place. Why do everything on your own while you can automate your work to perfection, right?

Recent Activity Dashboard Widget - EasyDCIM v1.6.2

And finally, when talking about user-oriented modernizations, we played a little with the already existing menu elements. We rearranged a few sections to push those most frequently used ones to the front and make sure no key detail slips your attention ever again. Whether you are a long-established user of EasyDCIM or just start your adventure with our system, you should have no problems with finding your way to the appropriate areas whatsoever. Quite the contrary, the new layout should feel even more intuitive and easy to click through than ever before.

Streamlined performance of remote agents

Another small victory of our 1.6.2 update was the improved communication between remote agents and the main application. The pooling process is basically carried out on the remote agents servers and the data is being sent to the master application for proper storage. What we did was to significantly reduce the number of queries sent to and retrieved from the main application, which in result allows you to collect the data now faster and from even more devices at the same time.

Remote Agents Performance - EasyDCIM v1.6.2

Numerous system tweaks and adjustments

Interested in some other possibilities the brand-new EasyDCIM v1.6.2 equips you with? Be sure to look over this convenient features list:

Device Hidden Passwords - EasyDCIM v1.6.2

  • Added option to upload files straight from the device summary view
  • More flexible management of remote agents

As your company expands, you need to think of ever more efficient ways to keep all your assets in a firm grasp. Luckily, with EasyDCIM v1.6.2 on the loose you may take the bother of routine data center check-ups entirely, and do something more exciting in the meantime. Like, for example, exploring the full depths of our newly released update and dropping us a comment on how you feel about all the changes we have made!

View The Changelog!

Updating from EasyDCIM version prior to 1.6.0?

Since EasyDCIM 1.6.0 was the first version ever to fully support the Debian 9 “Stretch” operating system only, the direct upgrades to 1.6.2 from any version prior to 1.6.0 may be a little bit tricky. Therefore, we would strongly encourage you to contact our Support Team and let us assist you with the whole process.

No need to worry, this should take just a moment. To make sure everything goes as smooth as possible, please take the below steps:

  1. Open a new support ticket with “EasyDCIM v1.6.0 update” as its title.
  2. Provide access data to the SSH server on which your current EasyDCIM version is installed (account with root privileges required).
  3. Provide access data to the SSH server you want to migrate to (account with root privileges and Debian 9 system required).
  4. Please kindly stand by as we perform a back-up of your EasyDCIM and migrate the data.
  5. Switch the application to live after verifying the correctness of the 1.6.2 version.

We are at full readiness to lend you a helpful hand in updating your EasyDCIM any time!

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