There are many answers to the question of what fuels the harmonious growth of your web hosting business. To ensure no great idea slips through the cracks, we keep them neatly listed, checking off each one as it evolves from concept to reality. And now, it’s time to mark another box – one for a new extension called HaloPSA Integration For EasyDCIM that bridges our robust platform with the software that has earned a great deal of industry-wide attention. The mission was to integrate all your device information in one cohesive, easy-to-use space, removing the chaos of fragmented details that can cloud your judgment and lead to poor decisions. Still, why HaloPSA, out of all the ITIL-compatible tools on the market?
HaloPSA – extending far beyond the basics
HaloPSA is trusted by 100,000+ users around the world to secure their Professional Services Automation (PSA) operations. The platform combines a multitude of features that help you go beyond coordinating your IT infrastructure to also focus on managing the related services and workflows.
HaloPSA’s impressive success – hitting $100 million in annual revenue with a bold $1 billion target by 2029 – comes down to the “loads and loads of little boring things that make a tiny difference, but when all put together and compounded, they have an absolutely gargantuan effect”, explains founder Paul Hamilton (source).
The HaloPSA functionality empowers you, among other things, to:
- Swiftly address tickets to maintain strong customer relationships.
- Streamline the sales process by providing your team with a clear outline of all the stages, from lead generation to closing the deal.
- Automatically track and record the time spent on a given project for accurate billing and easy invoicing.
- Enhance team collaboration by organizing and handling projects through to completion via shared workspaces and real-time communication options.
- Monitor your assets in real time for deeper insights into your business’s performance and profitability.
Getting your data in perfect sync
In light of the above, HaloPSA emerges as an extremely smart and versatile solution that perfectly complements EasyDCIM’s core capabilities connected with dedicated server provisioning. And it doesn’t take much to make the two team up – thanks to our extension, all your critical data on devices coupled with metadata for Server and Blade Server types flow smoothly from EasyDCIM to HaloPSA, free from errors or inconsistencies.

These days, what’s not user-friendly doesn’t stand a chance of long-term success. We know you may not be a fan of endless navigation clicks before you can finally locate what interests you. With the HaloPSA integration, you can throw a glance at an easy-to-read table and enjoy a transparent view of each and every piece of your export data.
Saving time for what matters
Powered by cron jobs that automate data synchronization based on field mapping and the integration of custom fields from HaloPSA’s API, HaloPSA Integration For EasyDCIM makes it possible to eliminate all the repetitive manual work. This allows you to step away from time-consuming routines and redirect your energy to more strategic tasks – ones that have a greater impact on your overall business outcomes.

If you are concerned about having the most current and accurate data on your devices always at hand, rest assured: HaloPSA Integration For EasyDCIM has got you covered. While it automatically synchronizes key details such as model, label, manufacturer, and more every five minutes, for situations requiring immediate attention, you can always manually trigger the necessary updates by running a command. This gives you the confidence that your decision-making is based on the very latest information.
As we said, another box has been marked, another much-needed union has been created in EasyDCIM’s setting. It’s not just about packing our platform with new capabilities for the sake of it – every action we take in the field of development is designed to benefit your business. We want it to expand, and if we have any say in helping you set the direction, we always jump at the chance. And so we did, again.